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Are you looking to extend the summer in your pool? The greenhouse environment created by a pool shelter allows you to extend your swimming season by several months. A pool shelter also helps to preserve water quality. Finally, a pool shelter is an effective way of securing your pool when you are not at home.

The benefits of a pool shelter

Pool shelters are perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy their pool, even in bad weather. Desjoyaux Pools’ low, mid-high and residential shelters are made in France and provide UV protection. You will be spoiled for choice when it comes to finding the right model in the Desjoyaux range to meet your needs. In general terms, a pool shelter makes it easier to care for your pool by stopping foreign bodies getting into it. It also reduces the frequency of use of accessories or products designed for this purpose. While a shelter allows owners to make considerable savings, it also offers improved comfort by maintaining the pool’s water temperature or boosting it by 6 to 10 degrees, as well as forming a barrier against evaporation. However, attention must be paid to not exceeding the threshold of 28° in order to ensure good hygiene conditions. Finally, in addition to reducing the use of pool heating, you will no longer need to partially drain your pool for wintering.

Flat Shelters

Discover our Desjoyaux range of very attractive flat pool shelters with a reduced footprint. Our low shelter allows you to maintain the water temperature while protecting your pool

Low shelters

Are you looking to extend the summer in your pool? Opt for Desjoyaux’s fully telescopic low shelter with a reduced footprint. It enables the water temperature to be better maintained while providing protection for your pool when you are not swimming.

Mid-high shelters

Are you looking to swim and enjoy your pool protected from the wind and weather? What you need is a mid-high shelter, which also ensures that your pool can be secured.

Residential shelters

Do you want to turn your pool area into a real enclosed room? The Desjoyaux residential shelter maintains an ideal temperature and more stable water quality while providing a safety perimeter.